Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful means of communication as well as promotion for business. It is a cost effective way of communication between consumers and businesses. One of the biggest mistakes mostly marketers do now a days, is to think that email marketing is no more effective way of customer acquisition. Many businesses dropped the email marketing and prefers social media marketing on it. Social media marketing may looks better to someone, but is it really social media post is that effective as an email? Before we answer that question, let’s understand first,

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a way of targeting the customers through emails. The emails sent to a prospective customers can be considered as email marketing. Email marketing includes sending a promotional email or ad posts/brochures to a subscriber via his email address. A great number of organizations, businesses and websites today use email marketing. Today Bloggers or website owner’s use email marketing even more than ever before. For example, have you ever noticed pop up forms or embedded forms while browsing on a website asking for Newsletter sign ups or asked to submit your name and email to get a free eBook or update? That is collecting emails and it is the first step of email marketing.

Most bloggers use email marketing because it improves the user experience. With a well-targeted email list, you can reach your customers and prospective ones too. Any given subscriber will be educated better and more easily via email. The email have a better visibility than a Facebook post because it is delivered directly in mailbox. The Facebook post will disappear in a series of upcoming posts within a few minutes.

Email Marketing

Do You Really Need Email Marketing?

If you want to improve your customers or readers knowledge, then you need email marketing. Email marketing is still more effective and economical as compare to social media marketing. Email marketing can also be used to build trust with customers over time, in order to turn them into repeat customers.

Successful business are aware with the fact that repeat customers are how your business will attain viable development over time. After all, repeat customers are happy customers. And happy customers mention your business to others. It is also an effective way to keep your customers up-to-date about new products, sales, or special offers upcoming.

People want to stay informed about your brand in real-time, and email marketing is one of the best ways to stay connected with that audience. Email marketing is valuable because it is fast, efficient, and cost-effective.

We are sharing some key facts and figures about email marketing that will further help you in decision making whether to use email marketing or not.

Some Key facts of Email Marketing

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